The life and times of a bedside locker.

I first purchased this little bedside locker 30 years ago for my Son’s bedroom. It was solid wood stained in an oak stain and sturdy enough to take the knocks and bruises of family life. Roll on a number of years and it bacame a bedside for daughter number one. After a period of time and some house renovations the little locker spent some time in the attic, outdated and unloved. Then daughter number two was going to College and needed a bedside locker so I rescued it from the attic, gave it a fresh makeover and off it went to College. Four years later home it came again with a first class honours degree and spent some time in my workshop working hard storing stuff. One day I received a call from a friend of mine offering me a new line of paint to try out and I immediately thought of the little locker. I replaced the old bun feet with new taller legs to give it more height and make it more grown up. Then did a paint pour on the top to give it a marble effect, a new colour and new handles and voila a beautiful new locker for the guest bedroom.

Moral of the story is buy the best quality you can, solid wood if at all possible and you can get an entire lifetime from one piece of furniture. Have a look in the attic now and again you never know what treasures you already own and the satisfaction of bringing an old piece back to life is immence. Happy trawling.


How to clean your furniture handles